Australian Standard As2870 Pdf Download

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Built to Australian Standard AS2870 (with eff ective termite barriers fi tted to all slab penetrations). Crushed stone (stone) – layer of stone particles too hard and heavy for termites to penetrate or move. Sheet capping (cap) – sheet material (e.g. Metal) used as an isolated or continuous sub-fl oor barrier. Standards Australia is responsible for preparing and publishing those standards that relate to building materials and design. In the preparation of this handbook, it has been assumed that the user will have access to a copy of the relevant standards. All building construction within each state and territory is controlled.

Jan Mikucki & Peter Mitchell

What should the geotechnical profession know about the changes in the Code?

The Code gives references to parties their functions and responsibilities to using the code. An example is the Classifier and Qualified Engineer. Reference is made to role of Engineering Geologists and Geotechnical Engineers.

To understand the responsibilities of the qualified engineers using the code, the objective of the Code is needed to be understood and its relevant contents. A review will be made of the Scope, Site Classification, example of a Site Investigation for a Classification, estimation of the Characteristic Surface Movement, excavations and filling, Site Investigation requirements, Design by Engineering Principles, requirements in Aggressive soils, Deep footings requiring Geotechnical Site Investigations, Driven Piles, Screw Piles and a Guide to Design of Footings for trees.


Speaker biographies


The presenters Dr Peter Mitchell (Aurecon) and Jan Mikucki (FMG Engineering) have a combined 75 years of practice in this field. Both have been authors for over 125 thousand reports requiring drilling and logging of subsurface soils and recommendations including site classifications and recommendations on preparations of foundations and footings selections.

Peter and Jan are active members of the Footings Group Committee with Peter past Chairperson and Jan current Chairperson. The committee was involved in the review of the 2011 draft and contributed to the original 1986 copy. Peter and Jan are also active members of the Australian Geomechanics Society with Peter once a Chairperson and Jan currently on the committee.

Australian Standard As2870 Pdf Downloader


Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.

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Australian Standard As2870 Pdf Download Adobe Reader

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  • AS 2870-2011Residential slabs and footings
    Sets out the criteria for the classification of a site and the design and construction of a footing system for a single dwelling house, townhouse or similar structure which may be detached or separated by a party wall or common wall, but not situated vertically above or below another dwelling, including buildings classified as Class 1 and Class 10a in the Building Code of Australia. The Standard may also be used for other forms of construction, including some light industrial, commercial and institutional buildings if they are similar to houses in size, loading and superstructure flexibility. The footing systems for which designs are given include slab on ground, stiffened rafts, waffle rafts, strip footings, pad footings and piled footings.
    Supersedes AS 2870-1996 and AS 2870 Supp 1-1996
  • AS 2896-2011Medical gas systems – Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems
    Sets out requirements for the safety aspects, construction, testing and certification, operation and maintenance of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems used for patient care, therapeutic, diagnostic and for operating surgical tools. Non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems include suction pipeline systems. The Standard is intended to apply to suction systems for day care centres and clinical situations. It does not apply to suction systems for laboratories or hospital dental units.
    Supersedes AS 2896-1998
  • AS 4558-2011Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
    Specifies design, construction and marking requirements and test methods for decorative gas log, coal or other fuel effect fires with gas consumptions not exceeding 72 MJ/h. Two types of appliances are covered as defined in Clause 1.2. This Standard is limited to appliances that are designed primarily to have a decorative appearance.
    Supersedes AS 4558-2000 (AG 108-2000)
  • AS 4773.2-2010Masonry in small buildings – Construction
    Sets out construction practices for masonry in small buildings, such as houses, garages, small warehouses and the like.
    Supersedes AS 3700-2001 (in part)
  • AS 4825-2011Tunnel fire safety
    Provides a generic framework for establishing the fire safety systems that are required in new road, rail or bus tunnels to provide an acceptable level of safety in case of fire; provides guidance in the development of a fire safety strategy, the design and documentation of fire safety systems for tunnels.

New Amendments

  • Amendment 1-2010 to AS 1860.2-2006Particleboard flooring – Installation
  • Amendment 2-2011 to AS 2658-2008LP Gas – Portable and mobile appliances
  • Amendment 1-2011 to AS 4553-2008Gas space heating appliances
  • Amendment 1-2011 to AS 4555-2002(AG 105-2002)Domestic gas refrigerators
  • Amendment 1-2011 to AS 4565-2004Radiant gas heaters for outdoor and non-residential indoor use
  • Amendment 2-2010 to AS 5100.4-2004Bridge design – Bearing and deck joints
  • Amendment 2-2010 to AS 5100.5-2004Bridge design – Concrete
  • Amendment 2-2010 to AS 5100.6-2004Bridge design – Steel and composite construction
  • Amendment 1-2011 to AS 6000-2009Organic and biodynamic products

Superseded and withdrawn Standards

  • AS 2870-1996Residential slabs and footings – Construction
    Superseded by AS 2870-2011
  • AS 2870 Supp 1-1996Residential slabs and footings – Construction – Commentary (Supplement to AS 2870-1996)
    Superseded by AS 2870-2011
  • AS 2896-1998Medical gas systems – Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems
    Superseded by AS 2896-2011
  • AS 3700-2001Masonry structures
    Superseded (in part) by AS 4773.2-2010
  • AS 4558-2000(AG 108-2000) Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
    Superseded by AS 4558-2011